
adequate application Learn more about adequate application

  • Technical essentials of cotton formula fertilization

    Technical essentials of cotton formula fertilization

    Cotton growth is characterized by unlimited growth, regeneration ability, plant shape controllability, large fertilizer requirements. Generally speaking, adequate fertilizer is the basis for high yield and quality of cotton. Adequate phosphorus fertilizer can promote cotton plant robust growth, increase boll weight, early maturity. Potassium fertilizer is a catalyst for many enzymes in plants, which can promote photosynthesis and cellulose synthesis. Cotton fertilization technology is "nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, boron spray" eight words formula fertilization method. Specifically, the following five technical measures should be taken. 1. Pay attention to the application of farm manure

  • Fertilizer requirement regularity and fertilization methods of Chinese cabbage and radish

    Fertilizer requirement regularity and fertilization methods of Chinese cabbage and radish

    Chinese cabbage is an important leafy vegetable. The yield of Chinese cabbage is very high, which can reach more than 5000 kilograms per mu, so there are more requirements for fertilizer. The ratio of the three is 1 / 1 / 4 / 0.4 / 1.1. Therefore, Chinese cabbage, like other leafy vegetables, adequate nitrogen nutrition promotes the formation of hypertrophy during the vegetative growth period.

  • Fertilization techniques of pomegranate trees

    Fertilization techniques of pomegranate trees

    Fertilization techniques of pomegranate trees

  • The latest scheme for base fertilizer application of turmeric

    The latest scheme for base fertilizer application of turmeric

    Turmeric is a very important side dish in China, which has a large planting area in all parts of our country. When planting ginger, we need to do a good job of fertilizing. The first thing to do well in fertilization is to apply base fertilizer, and reasonable application of base fertilizer is to ensure Jiang Jian.

    2020-11-10 Most Xinda ginger base fertilizer fertilizer scheme big ginger is
  • What to do if the chrysanthemum does not show buds and blossom, increase fertilization, prune / light properly

    What to do if the chrysanthemum does not show buds and blossom, increase fertilization, prune / light properly

    Autumn is a season to enjoy flowers, at this time, many flowers are beautiful flowers, of which chrysanthemum is the most, it has a long flowering period, bright colors, people like to see. However, chrysanthemums planted at home often have no buds and do not have meetings. What if the chrysanthemums do not blossom without budding?

  • The latest course of fertilization techniques and methods for pomegranate trees

    The latest course of fertilization techniques and methods for pomegranate trees

    Pomegranate was originally a kind of fruit tree in Central Asia, but now it has been gradually planted in various provinces of our country. Pomegranate fruit is rich in nutrients and has a big market in our country. Now the planting area of pomegranate is also expanding, we are growing pomegranate

    2020-11-10 The latest pomegranate tree fertilization technology methods tutorials
  • The latest fertilization method for High yield of Tomato

    The latest fertilization method for High yield of Tomato

    Tomato is a common vegetable in China. Fertilization is a necessary work in the process of growing tomato. However, there are certain skills in fertilization. Too much or too little fertilization will lead to partial application or lack of nutrients in tomatoes. Directly affect the health of tomatoes

    2020-11-10 The latest tomato high yield fertilization method yes our country
  • How to fertilize mung beans?

    How to fertilize mung beans?

    How to fertilize mung beans? Please give guidance for the cultivation of mung beans can refer to the following methods of fertilization: first, the principle of fertilization: farm manure, supplemented by inorganic fertilizer; mixed application of farm manure and inorganic fertilizer; adequate base fertilizer, appropriate topdressing. Second, the amount of fertilizer: for every 100 kg of mung bean seeds, it is necessary to absorb 9.68 grams of nitrogen.

  • How to fertilize corn in summer?

    How to fertilize corn in summer?

    How to fertilize corn in summer? Please guide summer corn to be fertilized as follows: adequate base fertilizer: the growth period of summer corn is relatively short. According to the conditions of fertilizer sources, more mature organic fertilizer should be applied as much as possible, combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. Timely and appropriate amount of topdressing: corn needs more fertilizer, base fertilizer alone can not be full.

  • Scheme of using base fertilizer for ginger

    Scheme of using base fertilizer for ginger

    Scheme of using base fertilizer for ginger

  • What kind of fertilizer is applied to duck palm wood?

    What kind of fertilizer is applied to duck palm wood?

    Duck palm wood fertilization should ensure adequate nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and pay attention to appropriate amount of nitrogen fertilizer, not partial application of certain elements, otherwise it is easy to appear the symptom of element deficiency, resulting in poor growth potential of the whole plant. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in flower fertilizer is suitable, which mainly contains a lot of humic acid and organic matter.

    2020-11-09 Duck feet wood fertilization what fertilizer duck feet yes guarantee
  • How to fertilize cabbage and radish scientifically?

    How to fertilize cabbage and radish scientifically?

    How to fertilize cabbage and radish scientifically? Please introduce Chinese cabbage as an important leafy vegetable. The yield of Chinese cabbage is very high, which can reach more than 5000 kilograms per mu, so there are more requirements for fertilizer. The ratio of them was 1 ∶ 0.4 ∶ 1.1. Therefore, Chinese cabbage, like other leafy vegetables, is in the vegetative growth period.

  • How to grow mung beans and fertilize scientifically?

    How to grow mung beans and fertilize scientifically?

    How to grow mung beans and fertilize scientifically? Please introduce that the fertilization principle of mung bean is mainly farm manure, supplemented by inorganic fertilizer, mixed application of farm manure and inorganic fertilizer, adequate base fertilizer and proper topdressing. The best basic fertilizer is human feces and urine, plant ash, Kang soil and pig, chicken and sheep manure, with 1000-3000 kg per mu. To get fat.

  • The grape leaves are yellowing. What's going on?

    The grape leaves are yellowing. What's going on?

    Drug damage if the whole rapid leaves turn yellow, the possibility of drug damage is greater. If root and leaf diseases are several leaves and some leaves are yellowing, and there is a process of development, then root diseases and leaf diseases are more likely. If there is a lack of trace elements, the leaves are only yellowing between the veins.

  • The chrysanthemum is so fertilized that the flowers are big and full.

    The chrysanthemum is so fertilized that the flowers are big and full.

    Chrysanthemum has a long flowering period, beautiful flowers, bright colors, so that many people will raise a pot, this autumn has come, looking forward to its blooming. Learn to fertilize chrysanthemums, maintain adequate nutrients, fertilize not too much, otherwise it is easy to rot.

  • How to apply potash fertilizer to rice?

    How to apply potash fertilizer to rice?

    How to apply potash fertilizer to rice? Please introduce that the application of potash fertilizer to rice can achieve a significant yield increase. Adequate potassium can enhance photosynthesis, promote sugar synthesis and accumulation, improve plant resistance, enhance root respiration, promote nitrogen absorption and protein synthesis, and make rice grains large and full.

  • Key points of fertilization for Sakyamuni fruit

    Key points of fertilization for Sakyamuni fruit

    Key points of fertilization for Sakyamuni fruit

  • Bonsai has luxuriant branches and leaves, and fertilization is very important.

    Bonsai has luxuriant branches and leaves, and fertilization is very important.

    Fertilizer is closely related to plant growth and development. Especially potted plants, due to the long-term growth in the pot, the root growth is limited by the pot soil, and the range of nutrient uptake is small. There must be an adequate supply of fertilizer in order to ensure normal growth and development, so fertilization is more important. But

  • What is the reason why the rate of rice heading is not high when it is about to enter harvest stage?

    What is the reason why the rate of rice heading is not high when it is about to enter harvest stage?

    The direct impact of low panicle rate of rice is the decrease of rice yield, and there are many reasons for low panicle rate of rice. Here, let's analyze it together with everyone. First, let's see what is the panicle rate of rice? Rice...

  • Causes and treatment of yellowing of Chrysanthemum leaves

    Causes and treatment of yellowing of Chrysanthemum leaves

    Chrysanthemum has a wide variety, bright colors and a wide range of uses, so it is also a very good choice as an ornamental plant. However, we will find that the leaves of chrysanthemums turn yellow during the maintenance of chrysanthemums, which greatly reduces the ornamental value of chrysanthemums.
